Josef Werhahn Willi von den Driesch / Karl-Friedrich Hölterhoff / Axel Klug / Jörg Krawczyk / Cedric Schwartz / Reinhard Schwartz / Thomas Welzel „Rund um Bad Münstereifel“—International tour for vintage motorcycles up to 1939 About the history of the 170 registered brands since 2002 with 450 photos, entrepreneurs, designers and associations of brands The beautiful and personal book by Josef Werhahn about historical motorcycles can be ordered from now on. Hardcover, 288 pages, duotone, linen and everything your heart desires. “Donating shadows for posterity”—a motivation for our book project Our aim is to help the Ahr river bank to be afforested after the flood disaster of 2021, making it as accessible to future generations, our descendants, as it used to be. We support the municipality of Insul and the successful fundraising campaign. Read more (.pdf) Orders by e-mail to Joerg.krawczyk[at]jk-stuttgart.de Price per book EUR 49,50 excl. postage and packaging by expense on account. After deduction of the production costs approx. EUR 12,00 remain as a donation for the “Shadow Donation” help of the municipality of Insul for reforestation after the Flood disaster 2021 on the Ahr. Special bank account Josef Werhahn „Buchprojekt“ Sparkasse Neuss IBAN: DE40 3055 0000 1003 7580 40 BIC: WELADEDNXXX The invoice will be enclosed with the shipment